Month: May 2024

1. NEWA Sooty Blotch & Flyspeck (SB&FS) Model Predicts When the First Infections Occur; 2. Fungicide Options for SB&FS and Apple Bitter Rot/Glomerella Leaf Spot

1. NEWA Sooty Blotch & Flyspeck (SB&FS) Model Predicts When the First Infections Occur; 2. Fungicide Options for SB&FS and Apple Bitter Rot/Glomerella Leaf Spot

  It is that time of the year when we should pay special attention to protecting apple fruit from Sooty Blotch and Flyspeck (SB&FS) in Figure 1 above and apple bitter rot/Glomerella Leaf Spot (Figure 2 below). SB&FS are caused by a large group of 

Save The Date: Virginia and Regional Fruit Growers and Farm Workers Please Join Fire Blight Workshop on 25 July 2024 Within USDA CPPM Project   /   Invitamos cordialmente a los productores y trabajadores del área de frutales en Virginia y estados aledaños a que incluyan este evento en su calendario: Taller de “Fire Blight” el 25 de julio del 2024 en Winchester, VA.

Save The Date: Virginia and Regional Fruit Growers and Farm Workers Please Join Fire Blight Workshop on 25 July 2024 Within USDA CPPM Project / Invitamos cordialmente a los productores y trabajadores del área de frutales en Virginia y estados aledaños a que incluyan este evento en su calendario: Taller de “Fire Blight” el 25 de julio del 2024 en Winchester, VA.

Please share with your farm workers: Fire blight is a growing problem for the East Coast pome fruit growers impacting apple, pear and Asian pear production. Assistant Professor Srdjan Aćimović and his collaborators on the USDA CPPM project, “Creating Next-Gen Controls for Fire Blight Cankers, 

Your Opinion Matters: Please Respond to VT CALS Needs Survey

Your Opinion Matters: Please Respond to VT CALS Needs Survey

As a stakeholder we are inviting you to please fill out the Virginia Tech’s CALS Needs Survey via the link below or by scanning the QR code at the end of this post:  

First Apple Scab on Leaves and Fruit Visible in Winchester on 15 May 2024

First Apple Scab on Leaves and Fruit Visible in Winchester on 15 May 2024

First apple scab symptoms are visible on old and new leaves as of 15 May 2024. The first fresh scab infections were found on ‘Gala’ leaves (Figures 1, 2) and fruit at AREC (Figure 3). These symptoms were found in ‘Gala’ apple block on select 

1. Fire Blight Visible as of 5 May in Northern VA; 2. Rust and Powdery Mildew Visible as of 15 May in Northern VA; 3. Primary Scab Season Over But Cedar Apple Rust Still a Significant Risk

1. Fire Blight Visible as of 5 May in Northern VA; 2. Rust and Powdery Mildew Visible as of 15 May in Northern VA; 3. Primary Scab Season Over But Cedar Apple Rust Still a Significant Risk

1. As of last week (5 May), first fire blight symptoms are visible in Frederick and Madison counties in Virginia (Fig. 1, 2). We are aware that symptoms of fire blight were visible in Southern Virginia much earlier. Based on the time when these symptoms 

1. Major Scab and Juniper Rust Infections of 4-5 May; 2. Fire Blight Post-Infection Rescue Options

1. Major Scab and Juniper Rust Infections of 4-5 May; 2. Fire Blight Post-Infection Rescue Options

1. Yes, we had major apple scab and cedar-apple rust infections on apples May 4-5. If the rusts are your major problem in addition to scab, and you did not cover with a fungicide before these infections of 4-5 May, you can apply mancozeb plus