First Apple Scab on Leaves and Fruit Visible in Winchester on 15 May 2024

First Apple Scab on Leaves and Fruit Visible in Winchester on 15 May 2024

First apple scab symptoms are visible on old and new leaves as of 15 May 2024. The first fresh scab infections were found on ‘Gala’ leaves (Figures 1, 2) and fruit at AREC (Figure 3). These symptoms were found in ‘Gala’ apple block on select trees left untreated by fungicides. After scab lesions were examined using the microscope, asexual spores of apple scab fungus called conidia were detected (Fig. 4). These spores facilitate secondary leaf and fruit infections (Fig 4). Mostly cool and wet weather in the first half of spring and then mild and wet weather in the second half of spring 2024, have facilitated five infection periods.



Figure 1. First apple scab symptoms on mature leaves of ‘Gala’ in Winchester VA at AREC experiment orchard on mid-Spring developed leaves (Photo by Aćimović S. G. 2024).


Figure 2. First sheet scab scab symptoms on young leaves of ‘Gala’ in Winchester VA at an AREC experiment orchard (Photo by Aćimović S. G. 2024).


Figure 3. First apple scab symptoms on fruit of ‘Gala’ in Winchester VA at an AREC experiment orchard (Photo by Aćimović S. G. 2024).


Figure 4. Asexual spores of apple scab fungus detected under microscope from the scab lesions on leaves in Figures 1 and 2 (Photo by Aćimović S. G. 2024).