1. Peach Leaf Curl Control Starts with Ziram and Chlororthalonil in Spring; 2. Reduce Overwintering Inoculum of Apple Scab and Marssonina Leaf Blotch with Urea or Lime
1. Dormant and Spring Fungicide Options For Peach Leaf Curl (Taphrina deformans)
Copper for leaf curl should be applied while trees are dormant. Many folks wait for the leaves to and apply it in early winter. In most years, due to unpredictability of weather in spring the best time to apply peach leaf curl copper is late in winter and up to and during bud swell (bud break). Use copper material of your choice delivering at least 4 to 8 lb of metallic copper per acre. Ziram for peach leaf curl should be used during dormancy, after leaf drop in fall, and prior to bud swell. You can combine Ziram and copper or copper and Bravo (chlorothalonil), but do not apply Ziram and copper during bud swell (bud break). Copper aims to reduce the spores of peach leaf curl fungus Taphrina deformans which overwinter on the tree buds. Infections take place in the spring as the buds open. This fungal pathogen infects buds during rain events from bud swell to bud opening. So if spring is rainy and cold, and buds open slowly, your application in fall will pay off big time as you will not be able to get into the orchard due to muddy mid-rows. Very long cool wet periods during bud burst can slow peach bud development and thus lead to severe peach curl infections. Copper products also give some suppression of bacterial spot (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni). Here is more info: https://dev-ppa.pantheonsite.io/copper-bactericides-for-peach-bacterial-spot-management/ In spring, if you missed the window for late winter copper application, and you suspect based on cool and wet weather that infection has already occurred, Bravo or Ziram are better than copper as they have efficacy after infection and Bravo and its generics redistribute well during rain.
2. Apple Scab Fungus (Venturia inaequalis) and Marssonina Leaf and Fruit Blotch (Diplocarpon coronariae)
If symptoms of apple scab were visible on leaves or fruit during the 2024 growing season, you should definitely plan to reduce overwintering scab inoculum residing in leaf litter on the orchard floor. What you do now for inoculum reduction can increase the efficacy of your apple scab fungicides in 2025 growing season. The most conducive for apple scab fungus overwintering are numerous late summer and fall infections on leaves visible as small lesions on the underside (Figure 1).
The late season/fall scab lesions are the most productive places where apple scab fungus Venturia inaequalis will grow into the internal tissue of leaves after they reach the orchard floor and form initials of pear-like fruiting bodies of the fungus called pseudothecia (Figure 2). These pseudothecia will facilitate release of apple scab ascospores in the spring of 2025 with each wetting event, starting from green tip on apples.